May 18, 2010


The only remnant in Kenya of the once great tropical rainforest that stretched across Central Africa. As a relic of this equitorial jungle, it is now famous globally for being home to several hundereds species of bird, snakes,monkeys and other mammals as well as countless tree species. A choice of walking trails,view points and guided tours enable you to experience some of this fascinating, beautiful and unique forest first hand. Amongst the ancient trees, awesome in size, you will find gurgling streams, vibrant coloured butterflies, chattering monkeys and a rich variety of birds.

For a superb view of the forest to the South and the Nandi Hills, a short climb up Buyangu Hill is well worthwhile. Its easily accessible and worth a visit. Other interesting spots include Lirhanda Hill, Isiukhu water falls.

27 species of snake live within the forest. True to the continental origins, the snakes of Kakamega are mainly from West Africa. Some of these West African residents include the Forest Cobra, the Bush Viper, Rhinoceros-horned Viper and The Gaboon Viper. Our reptile friends do have their cousins living in the forest as well, the most common of which is the terrestrial lizard, Agama, Peter's Long-tailed Skink(hahahaha, seriously where do they get this names).In addition to the cold blooded fauna, we have mammals known to dwell in the forest are the Bush Pig, Duickers, Bushback, Clawless otter,mongoose,porcupine, bats and of course primates( Black and White Collobus Monkey,Red-Tailed Monkey, Poto and Olive Baboons) amongst many others.

In as far as bird conservation is concerened, this forest is one of the most important bird areas(iba) in Kenya with a prolific 330 species recorded to date. Birds such as  Turner's Eremomela, Blue Headed Bee Eater, Ansorge's Greenbul birds, Black-billed Turaco,Red-billed Paradise Flycatcher, White tailed Ant-Thrush,Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye, Southern Hyliota,African Shrike Fkycatcher, Petit's Cuckoo-Shrike and Cassins Honeyguide are unique to the Kakamega forest and neighbouring South Nandi Forest in the whole of East Africa.

  • Forest walking and hiking.  This is a must do for all you nature lovers. Kakamega Forest is penetrated by a network of trails. A walk through the high-canopied forest, its silence broken only by bird calls and chattering monkeys and occasional gurgle of a nearby stream. It is a simple and refreshing delight. All this can be possible in a days trip through the Reserves trails that include Busambuli trail, Iiukhu trail, Buyangu trail, Falls trails, Mukamgu trail, Colobus trail and Litali trail
  • Bird watching. Kakamega Reserve is familiar to every bird enthusist in Kenya and the forest is internationally recognised as an Important Bird Area. The best time of the year to go bird watching is between June and August after the heavy rains as most of the birds are in breeding plumage as well as in October when up to 30 species of migrants arrive at the forest. Birds at the forest are best seen at mid morning and in the late afternoon.
  • Primate watching. It is the home of several species of primates. They become active and more easily located once the day starts to warm up(in the morning), and then again before sunset
  • Butterfly watching. all nine African butterfly families are represented in the forest and species diversity is high(400 species recorded). The best time for butterfly watching is in August and September after the heavy rains.

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