March 31, 2010


For many, the Maasai are the 'definitive form of 'tribal' Kenya. With an sometimes over-exaggerated fearsome reputation and proud demeanour, the tribe of  Nilotic origin has manage to largely stay outside the  mainstream development of Kenya while still maintaining large herds of cattle along the Kenya-Tanzania border.The Masai initially migrated to Kenya's central regions from what is current day Sudan. Tragedy would befall the fascinating tribe in the late 19th century as their numbers were greatly reduced owing to famine and disease. Too add to this, the things they held most dear, cattle, were not spared either; rinderpest killed a significant number of their cattle.In the 1960s, the Great Masai Mara was Gazetted by the British into the National Reserve it is today. However, this has not been seen as a blessing but as a curse by the Masai because their were slowly annexed from their traditional lands.
Subsequent efforts by the government to resettle them and offer some kind of compensation has yielded little fruit as they despise agriculture and land ownership; which is the compensation being introduced.. There is a taboo about piercing the soil and as a result they leave their dead behind to be consumed by wild animals .( imagine that!!)

Masai women are famous for their vast plate like necklaces, while it is typical for the men to dress in red checked Masai blanket known as  'shuka' and carry a distinctive club. The mainstay of the masai drink is blood and milk which is supplemented by a drink called mursik ( made from milk fermented with cow urine, and ashes). It is shown to lower cholesterol!!!
At 14 years of age, boys graduate to become 'el-moran'(warriors), and are required to be a small livestock farm following their circumcision ceremony known as manyatta. Once built, they live in solitude in their 'fortitude' for a period of up to 8 years after which they return to the village in search of a bride.
The Masai have benefited as a result of the tourism sector as they find jobs quite easily in regards to such jobs as being a tour guide or an askari. Other sources of income would be engaging in retail of spears, clubs et al, or quite simply posing for photographs and/dancing. Though this developments are encouraging, they are not widespread.


The tribe of Cushitic origin known as the Rendille live in small communities  in rocky Kasuit Desert located in Kenya's north east region. They hold very strong links with another nomadic tribe, the Samburu and heavily rely on camel to meet many of their daily needs, including the three basics, and run trade as well provide transport.
Rendille society is strongly bound by family ties, and these center around monogamous couples. The Camel are bled by opening a vein in the neck using a blunt arrow or a blunt knife. The blood is then drunk on its own/mixed with milk.

The eldest sons of the families inherit all family possessions from parents. Women especially Mothers to be exact are highly regarded within the community and enjoy a high status within the community. One social thing that stands out about the Rendille is that it is considered dishonorable for any of its son to refuse a loan. This practice ensures that even the poorest man in the community has a claim to a few head of cattle.

Occupying the arid region directly north of Kenya's highest Mountain, Mount Kenya, the Samburu are a tribe who not only share the same language with the Masai, but are also very closely related to them. So much is their similarity that it is the general belief that, they were  just one community. On leaving Sudan, when their more famous cousins, the Masai continued South.  The Samburu forged their way east and settled in the region they are in today.As is with the Rendille and Masai, the Samburu die their hair red to create a sort of visor which shields their eyes away from the sun. 

For the Samburu, age is an integral part in determing one's social status within the community. For example, a man, after undergoing several stages in his life rises to become a powerful and influential leader of the community in his mid 30's.Livestock are kept within the perimeter fences made of acacia thorns and are used for milk more than they are used for meat.


I bet most of you did not know that a tribe like this exists. Not much is said about them, but they inhabit the area believed to be the biblical  'Garden of Eden, the cradle of Mankind' . Of all the tribes and peoples of Kenya,  the Turkana are amongst the most colorful and the most warlike. They are Kenya's very own true Desert tribe.Originally from Karamanjong in North Eastern Uganda,the Turkana's entire population comes to about 250,000.
They, are linked,linguistically with the Masai and Samburu as well as practice pastoralism like their more famous cousins. However, in the recent past, some have resorted to fishing on Lake Turkana while others have began small scale farming. They are the only tribe as well to abandon the circumcision ceremony (of women) temporarily amongst the tribes which practise.


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