March 26, 2010


A Pristine string of rugged coral isles, ringed by rainbow coral reefs, the reserve offers living coral gardens,sculpted coves, wheeling sea birds,rare turtles,magical dugongs and an underwater world of unbelievable colour, discovery and vibrancy. The reserve is part of the Lamu archipelago, a cluster of low lying desert islands that run for some 60 km parallel to the coast line of northern Kenya. The last survivor of thousand year civilization, Lamu was founded by the Arabs in the 7th century and traded for centuries thereafter in ivory,rhino horn and slaves. Today, it offers a unique showcase for traditional Swahili culture, a bustling historical town with some of the best pristine beaches in Africa.
The Kiunga Marine National Park is made up of a chain of 51 coral islands lying some 2 km offshore, but inshore of the fringing reef. They run adjascent to the mainland's Dodori and Boni National Reserves. Varying in size, the islands are composed of old,eroded coral and shelter less kudu, bushbuck,monkey,porcupine and wild pig.
Coral reefs are one of the most fascinating ecosystems on earth, sheltering nearly one million different types of marine life. Forming only in warm seas, coral are made by battalions of tiny polyps, miniscule sea anemone-like creatures that live together in colonies. Some create  a hard skeleton outside their bodies which eventually forms into stony coral. Corals come in many shapes, sizes and colours including the open-branched stag' shorn coral, the picushion-like acropora coral, the wavy-branched plate-like pavona coral, the pincushion solid favia coral and the convoluted brain coral.

The besttime for snorkelling over the reef is two hours either side of low tide, which is the time when the greatest ammount of marine life is revealed. Kenya's coastal waters are warm year round so diving without a wet suit is also rewarding. a ashifting rainbow of small fish, worms, shrimps, octopus and clams hide in the gaps while blue and yellow parrot fish use their hard beaks to chew of lumps of coral. Snappers,zebra fish, butterfly fish are some of the fish found here while hunting sharks, rays,turtle and starfish prowl the reef in search of prey. Fierce moray eels hide in holes, while small crabs, wrasses( long,spiny-finned fish) and sharks lurk in the caves, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, brittle stars and numerous species of mollusk feed on the algae.The reserves creeks and inlets also serve as a substantial breeding ground for the rare mermaid like creature called the dungong.

The Dungong, a completely aquatic, warm blooded animal, the dungong have an average length of 2.5-3.2 meters, may way anything from 140 to 170 kgs and live on the marine grasses growing in the shallower waters of the Reserve.

Kiwayu Island is the only inhabited island to be included in the Kiunga Marine National Park. There are two luxury lodges in Kiwayu which are the Munira Island Camp and Kiwayu Safari Village.

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